Volunteering just a few hours a month with someone can start something amazing. So why not apply to be a Hero today!
CLICK HERE to Volunteer now!!
Impact Mentoring applicants are accepted without regard to race, religion, or economic status. All information that is gathered or received from the applicant is for professional use only and will be held in strict confidence by our program staff. In the selection process of Impact Mentoring the following criteria shall apply:
1. All volunteers must submit to an interview and training.
2. Adult volunteers will submit to 3 background checks.
3. High School volunteers must be in good academic standing.
4. Volunteer must provide support, friendship, guidance.
5. Volunteer must see the child on a regular basis, for a minimum of one year.
6. Volunteer must have the ability to work within the agency guidelines.
7. Volunteer must be able to meet with our staff on a regularly scheduled basis for the duration of the match.
8. Volunteers must give three references, all of which must come back positive.
If you have any questions please call: